FamilyCare’s offices are open.
Should you require information, advice or support that is not urgent, contact:
FamilyCare Central Intake – 1800 161 306
If the matter is urgent or is related to Child Wellbeing or Family Violence, contact:
The Orange Door – 1800 634 245
With the exception of Public Holidays, leave a message and your call will be returned during business hours.
If your concerns are in relation to Child Safety or Risk make a report to Child Protection contact:
1300 360 391 (BH) or After hours and public holidays on 131 278
Flood related support contact: 5823 4700
If you are a carer requiring support, please contact Carer Gateway on 1800 422 737
FamilyCare Events
Many of the COVID rules and restrictions have been relaxed or removed. The virus has not gone away however and you can get up to date information from the Better Health Victoria site, should you need it.
Remember, the best protection is to be vaccinated